Switching from Stripe

The Pro version allows easily switching between Stripe and Lemon Squeezy

The default payments provider is Stripe. To switch to Lemon-Squeezy simply replace the existing files in the /payments directory with files in the lemon directory.

In Stripe, the id for a price and product combo is called price_id, in Lemon Squeezy it is referred to as Variant ID.

LemonSqueezy also requires adding a Store ID in the .env file. There is no counterpart for a Store ID in Stripe

Update the API route in app/api/payments to use the lemon route handler.

That`s it!

The project is now fully integrated and will work with lemon.

This easy switching is possible because the Lemon Squeezy API is intentionally designed to be very similar to stripe.

This allows us to switch between them with ease.

The open source version currently does not support Lemon Squeezy integration.